Christene Rotger spent her formative years in a picturesque rural agricultural community before relocating to the greater Detroit area more than two decades ago. Her existence revolves around the realm of artwork design services. She is devoted to captivating retro art prints, antique and vintage artwork, etc., that integrate themes from Retro, Hip-hop, Pop, Rock, and Vintage art, spanning numerous eras and genres. Her career culminated in 2015 when she launched her own company specialising in the renovation, design, and rehabilitation of residential homes.
Throughout her journey, Christene’s unwavering passion has gravitated inexorably toward artistry, manifesting in a tapestry of interior design, marketing, advertising, and various visual art mediums. Each of Christene’s works is unquestionably original, resonating across all age demographics and evoking contemporary and nostalgic visual pleasures. To buy vintage artwork, feel free to reach out to Christene Rotger!